About me



The driving force behind my painting is an attempt to create a real, living presence on the canvas in response to my curiosity towards the subject in front of me. This curiosity provokes the need for a complete understanding of the structure and nature of the subject; a scientific enquiry into what constitutes its visual presence. What emerges from this process is a dialogue in paint, a distillation of observation over time into a single image that tries to account for the ‘thingness’ of the subject and how it relates to other things in it’s environment.
Through this process I also like to consider ideas about iconography, the nature of mortality and the narrative of objects.


2001 – now        Artist
                         Design and build stage sets for events.
1994 – 2001       Commercial photography: advertising and architecture
1991 - 94           Aberystwyth University, Honours degree in Art and Art History.


2014    Know Thy Selfie at Red Beast event East Oxford Community Centre
2012    Deer Skull, Brambles and God'; Artweeks at the Jam Factory, Oxford
2011    Contemplative Landscapes of Light and Colour; The Ark T Centre, Oxford
2011    Portraits of Cowley; The Ark T Centre, Oxford
2010    Stations of the Cross; The Jam Factory, Oxford 
1994    Fresh Art; Business Design Centre in Islington, London